Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nirvana (and others), "Smells like teen spirit," (1991)

Today, we have three different versions of one song. Here's the original "Smells like teen spirit" by Nirvana (1991):

Here's a version by Tori Amos:

Here's a version by Paul Anka:

  1. Describe the instrumentation and voice types in each performance.
  2. In what genre would you classify each version (rock, pop, jazz, country, etc.)?
    What aspects of the music led you to each characterization?
  3. What do all of these versions have in common? In what ways do they differ?
  4. How much more would you have to change in one of these songs in order for it to be no longer recognizable as "Smells like teen spirit?" Do you think that either of these versions strays so far from the original that we must consider it a new song?
  5. Following up on the last question, what could be said to be the defining characteristics of a musical composition?
  6. Is there any sense in which any of these versions are somehow ironic, inauthentic, or insincere? A parody, perhaps?
Additional resources:
  • "Smells like Nirvana" by Weird Al Yankovich:

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